Occurrence, phase distribution, and bioaccumulation of organophosphate esters (OPEs) in mariculture farms of the Beibu Gulf, China: A health risk assessment through seafood consumption
网站来源: 时间:2020年04月05日 17:43 点击数:


As emerging pollutants, the occurrence and risks of organophosphate esters (OPEs) in mariculture farms should be concerned; however, information is limited. Beibu Gulf is one of the essential mariculture zones in China. This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of OPEs in mariculture farms of the Beibu Gulf, their phase distribution and bioaccumulation among sediment, organisms (shrimp, crab, and oyster), water, and feed. Human exposure to OPEs through seafood consumption was also assessed. The total concentrations of the 11 target OPEs (P11OPEs) in the water samples ranged 32.9e227 ng L_1. It was significantly higher in water from the culture ponds (mean 122 ng L_1) than in water from the estuaries and nearshore areas (mean 51.1 ng L_1) (nonparametric test, p < 0.05). P11OPEs in the feeds averaged 46.0 (range 21.7e84.5) ng g_1 dw, which is similar to the level in the organism samples (mean 55.5, range 21.3e138 ng g_1 dw) and 4.4 times higher than that in the sediment (mean 10.9, range 35e22.1 ng g_1 dw). TheP11OPEs released from the feeds to the culture ponds was estimated to be 49 mg m_2 per three month period. In the aquaculture ponds, the sediment-water distribution coefficient (log KOC), and the bioaccumulation factors from the water (log BWAFs) or the feed (log BFAFs) to the organisms, depend linearly on the hydrophobicity (log KOW) of OPEs. The log BWAFs and log BFAFs increased with increasing log KOW within the log KOW range of 1e7. The human exposure to OPEs through consumption of shrimp, crab, and oysters from the mariculture farms does not pose a health risk at present.

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