Latitudinal variation in reef coral tissue thickness in the South China Sea:Potential linkage with coral tolerance to environmental stress
网站来源: 时间:2020年03月03日 11:22 点击数:


Coral tissue thickness (CTT) is an effective indicator of the adaptability of corals to environmental stress, but the relationships between the spatial and intergeneric variation of coral tissue across latitudes and tolerance to environmental stress are not well understood. To investigate this, the CTT of 768 specimens of 10 typical coral genera and surrounding seawater parameters were measured in six coral reef regions

(CRRs) across the 9–22_N latitudes in the South China Sea (SCS). Results showed significant differences in CTT between different genera of corals and CRRs. CTTs were significantly higher in the northern SCS than in the southern SCS. There was also notable intergeneric variation, with the abundance of branching Acropora and foliaceous Pavona being significantly lower than that of massive Porites, Galaxea, Favia, Favites, Hydnophora, Platygyra, and encrusting Montipora, Psammocora across these CRRs. Redundancy analysis showed that dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), sea surface temperature (SST), turbidity, and transparency were the main factors affecting CTT. Overall CTT, irrespective of genus, was significantly positively correlated with DIN, SRP, and latitude, but was significantly negatively correlated with transparency and SST. Further analysis suggested that corals in the southern SCS are mainly threatened by thermal stress, whereas in the northern SCS, corals have often suffered from destructive anthropogenic disturbance. Although seawater conditions were normal during on-site investigation, a large number of branching corals (e.g., Acropora corals) have been lost in the last several decades due to destructive human activity. In contrast, massive and encrusting corals may have higher energy reserves and photo-protective capacities due to their thicker tissues, and consequently have higher tolerance to environmental stress. Therefore, the coral communities of the SCS have gradually been transformed from branching corals to massive/encrusting corals.

上一条:Dispersal, genetic variation, and symbiont interaction network of heat-tolerant endosymbiont Durusdinium trenchii: Insights into the adaptive potential of coral to climate change 下一条:El Niño/Southern Oscillation during the 4.2 ka event recorded by growth rates of corals from the North South China Sea


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