Potential molecular traits underlying environmental tolerance of Pavona decussata and Acropora pruinosa in Weizhou Island, northern South China Sea
网站来源: 时间:2020年09月30日 10:00 点击数:

Coral species display varying susceptibilities to biotic or abiotic stress. To address the causes underlying this phenomenon, we profiled the Symbiodiniaceae clade type, bacterial communities and coral transcriptome responses in Pavona decussata and Acropora pruinosa, two species displaying different environmental tolerances in the Weizhou Island. We found that C1 was the most dominant Symbiodiniaceae subclade, with no difference detected between A. pruinosa and P. decussata. Nevertheless, P. decussata exhibited higher microbial diversity and significantly different community structure compared with that of A. pruinosa. Transcriptome analysis revealed that coral genes with significantly high expression in P. decussata were mostly related to immune and
stress-resistance responses, whereas, those with significantly low expression were metabolism-related. We postulate that the higher tolerance of P. decussata as compared with that of A. pruinosa is the result of several traits, such as higher microbial diversity, different dominant bacteria, higher immune and stress-resistant response, and lower metabolic rate.


上一条:Diazotroph Diversity Associated With Scleractinian Corals and Its Relationships With Environmental Variables in the South China Sea 下一条:Denitrobaculum tricleocarpae gen. nov., sp. nov., a marine bacterium from coralline algae Tricleocarpa sp


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